Medusa's curse flash game

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But even if my case is unique and strange and weird and curse-related, for all of those you can tell that person’s body has changed against their will in some way.

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Some people get skin conditions, others lose half their face in a car crash or whatever, I get transformed. My point is, it’s obvious that I was always this way in terms of my body. Ugh, just thinking about it makes my ‘hair’ writhe. After all, I was the one who saw Athena, talked with Athena, was cursed to become this by Athena. I even have my own unwanted worshippers just my very existence in this transformed body has resuscitated the ancient Greek religions to some degree.

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Others are more academic, and look to me as one of the most significant evidences of real magic in the world. Parents of unruly children tell my story as a cautionary tale to what can happen if you wander off out of sight and touch or do things you shouldn’t. Hell, the story of how I received the Gorgon’s Curse is famous world-wide. I know that sounds obvious, looking the way I do.

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